When will applications open for a gap year internship (and in which country this internship will be held)?
Anonymous asked a question to Roland Berger
Category: Internship
Date asked: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, December 7, 2020
Marika Y.
HR Specialist Full-time Positions Consulting Recruiting
Thank you very much for your question. The application period has already started (https://www.rolandberger.com/de/Join/All-Jobs/Gap-Year-2021-REF1205N.html).
The gap year consists of three stations: one station in a German office, one station in a start-up and one station in one of our international offices. We usually define the portfolio of international stations in advance and present it in the recruiting process. Of course, we take everything into account with regard to the corona situation.
Monday, December 7, 2020
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