Picture of What does Roland Berger do to support the specific needs of minority employees?

What does Roland Berger do to support the specific needs of minority employees?

Picture of Nicolas
2 responses

Anonymous asked a question to Nicolas W.

Category: Diversity

Date asked: Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Last reviewed: Monday, August 23, 2021

Picture of Nicolas W.

Nicolas W.


Dear Ross P.
Many thanks for this important question. Let me answer it from my perspective as a Project Manager. I encourage you to reach out to other colleagues as well as you are posing an important, multi-dimensional question.
With our initiative "Be the original you" we place the specific perspective of everyone at RB at the heart of our activities. We want to ensure that we attract the best talent to deliver the best solutions to our clients. This means to be responsive to the backgrounds (be it technically or culturally) to our employees and to generate a work enviroment which allows everyone to strive.
To make it concrete, we have multiple tools in place which allow for transparent feedback both on company but also on project level enabling us to take action where necessary. We also have a large set of mandatory trainings covering topics such as inclusive leadership, team work and well-being. These trainings are part of the training curriculum of every consultant. In addition, we have dedicated communities within RB creating awareness and activities on specific topics.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Ross X.

That is a very interesting initiative, good to know! Thank you for your answer.

Monday, August 23, 2021

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