Are RB projects more strategic or operational? What does a "normal" day look like? Typical tasks of a Junior Consultant?
Bernard X. asked during the live chat Joining Roland Berger - from your application to the first days with us to Roland Berger
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Friday, October 29, 2021
Last reviewed: Friday, October 29, 2021
Boris U.
Junior Consultant
Hi Bernhard, from my experience they are more strategic. I did an internship at RB in 2020 and started recently as a JC, my tasks are not different from the ones of a consultant. It depends highly on the project, and your own engagement. I am pretty active and take part in all discussions with a PM and SC and also the partners as well. I do not feel less valued than an SC or C...
Typical tasks are discussing the approach for solving a typical task, deep diving into a specific topic, creating powerpoint slides and excel models, participating in meetings within the team and with the client and so on...
Friday, October 29, 2021
Bernard X.
Alright, this is already pretty insightful - thank you Boris!:)
Friday, October 29, 2021
Boris U.
Junior Consultant
You are welcome :)
Friday, October 29, 2021
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