Picture of How do you support companies with their (hard to measure) scope 3 emissions, especially regarding PCR and value chains?

How do you support companies with their (hard to measure) scope 3 emissions, especially regarding PCR and value chains?

2 responses

Franz H. asked during the live chat Climate Action – How Roland Berger helps its clients to achieve their goals towards a carbon-free world to Roland Berger

Category: About us

Date asked: Friday, December 10, 2021

Last reviewed: Friday, December 10, 2021

Timotheus J.


Hi Franz, nice to e-meet you! And I like your question!

We've just had a workshop this morning discussing exactly this topic - scope 3 - in the context of the fashion industry

Our concrete support really depends on the specific need of the client - it could include:

- Creating transparency by calculating the emissions (mostly the first step)
- Identifying emission hot spots throughout the value-chain (in fashion e.g., production of fibres)
- Identifying levers to reduce emissions and quantifying them
- Planning a roadmap to implement them

Friday, December 10, 2021

Franz H.

Thank you for answering Timotheus, sounds like a great approach!

Friday, December 10, 2021

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