Can you give me tops on how MBA candidates from non-core schools compete along those from core-schools for internships?
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from Non-core school in Boston.
Anonymous asked a question to Anita M.
Category: Internship
Date asked: Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 31, 2019
Anita M.
HR Expert Intern Recruiting
This answer is valid for the recruiting process in the U.S.: non-core schools have the same interview process as core schools â with the exception that their first-round interview is conducted virtually while core schools are conducted in person. The only real difference between non-core and core is that our company is not present on all campuses. Non-core schools should try to network with our team if they are interested in learning more and we are looking forward to their applications as well!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
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