What could an entry look like after a HR/Talent Master? How strong is Roland Berger's focus on human capital in general?
Rebekka C. asked during the live chat Stelle Deine Fragen zu Projektarbeit, Karrieremöglichkeiten und Kultur bei Roland Berger to Roland Berger
Category: Career progression
Date asked: vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Last reviewed: vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Maximilian S.
Project Manager
Hi Rebekka, you usually decide on entry which competence centres (functions and industries) you would like to join. As with HR, this is usually covered in our Restructuring, Performance and Transformation CC, so they work on different projects in this area, if you are keen to specialize. But otherwise, you are treated exactly as every other new entry.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rebekka C.
Thank you for your quick reply! Alongside that, I have another question: I am very interested in applying for the Gap Year internship, do you know by chance if this program can be specialized in terms of a CC? Or does it cover a more generalized area of fields/changes between the CCs?
Friday, November 15, 2019
Marlis D.
HR Specialist - Internship Positions Recruiting
Dear Rebekka, it depends on the Station within the RB Gap Year. So you will be in Germany for your first Station and there you'll have the opportunity to choose one Competence Center. We do not have that Competence Center structure in all other countries so there you won't have to choose one CC
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rebekka C.
Thank you very much, Marlis!
Friday, November 15, 2019
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