Do you have any advice for the group case study on the graduate recruiting day?
Julia C. asked during the live chat Stelle Deine Fragen zu Projektarbeit, Karrieremöglichkeiten und Kultur bei Roland Berger to Roland Berger
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Last reviewed: vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Marlis D.
HR Specialist - Internship Positions Recruiting
Dear Julia, I think the best advice i could give you is to check for different cases within case-books and the Internet. Most of the cases are based on real projects so there is a is variety of different Topics.
vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Julia C.
So you would say that performance depends on 1) team-work skills 2) individual case structuring skills and 3) presentation skills?
vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Marlis D.
HR Specialist - Internship Positions Recruiting
Exactely! Those are the three main Points. The most important one for sure is the structure. The Interviewer wants to see and understand how you are approaching certain Problems.
vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
Julia C.
Alles klar, vielen Dank!
vendredi, novembre 15, 2019
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